2012년 6월 8일 금요일

School Speech contest

10217 - Shin Jimin

According to the survey done in ISAPS, Korea is the country in which people does most plastic surgery.  Also the Economist surveyed that 1 out of 5 people living in Seoul have an experience of trying plastic surgery. Isn't it surprising? What do you think about this? Hello My name is Jimin Shin from class 2. Today, I would like to talk about plastic surgery.

Nowadays, many people compete with each other in similar categories. Since everybody  gets good quality of education, it came to a situation where they compete in piddling things and usually it deals with beauty. Beauty has a big control. Let me tell you an example from an interview that judge on people. From what physiognomy one has, it depends what first impression that person gives to the judge, and that first impression is very important. If one gets stress from that, it is an okay choice to decide to do plastic surgery. Then, since humans are not a superman in mentality, that person can use that mental, physical energy that was used for beauty stress on other things that bothers, other than about their weakness in external features.

However, there is a bad aspect of plastic surgery too. Although plastic surgery is different from surgery where they saves lives, it is still a surgery. Thus, it can have a bad side effect. Some surgeries don't have perfect skills yet, so it can be very risky. It can make one part of the person's body don't work. Also, people can be addicted to the plastic surgery. Even though one changes their outlook, their inside doesn't changes automatically. It need an effort. Imagine, what will happen to me if I do a plastic surgery? I will look different from now, maybe higher chance to be prettier. However, my interior wouldn't change. Many people tries and wants to change their life by doing plastic surgery. However even though one wants a new life, if they don't try to change their interior but do plastic surgery continuously, they will be poisoned in changing only their outer part with plastic surgery.

I believe that plastic surgery is sometimes needed for mental health. If one has a weakness and want to hide it, it will be better to hide it with technology rather than get stress from it. However, since it has big power, it can lead to addiction. As I said in the first, people tries to change their life with plastic surgery. But in real life, people should fix their interiors along with the plastic surgery. As a conclusion, plastic surgery can be acceptable if they does it limitedly, and try to change their internal personality.

2012년 5월 19일 토요일

Euthanaisa okay?

Documentaries with animals it usually ends with a sad mood. Why? Many endings show about the euthanasia that was used to the animals. The animals owner cries because they are killing the animals before they die naturally. Some can think this is immoral murder but actually this is merciful solution. Euthanasia is not just a murder because, it is a death given to reduce pain, it is done a little before they die.

First reason why euthanasia is not a murder is because it is given to reduce pain. Do people use euthanasia method just to murder the animals? To reduce their numbers? No! The owners decide to use this method because it is even hard for them to watch their animals live everyday in pain, doing nothing, just feeling pain. In the book called The day not pigs would die, there is dog who got so badly hurt. Ears and skins are ripped apart, legs broken, etc. The main character decides to use euthanasia because there is only pain in the dogs life, no meaning to live. Euthanasia is used in this kind of situation only. Thus, euthanasia is not a murder.

Second, it is done a little before the animals die. People dont just walk to the barn on sunny ordinary day with gun to kill an animal. When the death is near and there is no chance to live or become well, they uses this method. So, it can be an effective and justifiable way.

As a conclusion, since euthanasia is used only in situation to reduce pain or before the animals die, it is a justifiable, merciful solution but not a murder. However, when using euthanasia, people should be careful if their judgment is correct and if it is an okay situation to use it.

Children advertisement

First, hildren are not mature enough to understand how they are targeted and how advertising works on their mind and purchasing behavior. Recent research, ‘Television viewing and aggressive behavior during adolescence and adulthood’, shows that children aged five to ten are not able to tell the difference between regular TV programs and commercials. This means that they do not even understand that advertisements are there to sell their products, and they tend to believe what they are shown on TV commercials is true. Actually the Canadian toy testing council said that the biggest area of concern with toy ads in Canada is exaggeration. Therefore, young children often think a toy can do a lot more than it can because of the way toys are portrayed in advertisement. So, Quebec city in Canada has banned print and broadcast advertising aimed at kids under 13. There are other several tactics used by advertisers, which is difficult for children to detect. For example, advertisers make a frequent use of weasel words which sound informative, but actually mean nothing. Thus, because children are not mature to understand the advertisement, advertising geared toward childre should be banned

Furthermore, junk food advertisement can lead to children’s obesity. Berkley Media Studies Group in California found that of the 77 foods advertised, only 5 were actually healthy options. And numerous studies have shown that children exposed to food advertising prefer and choose advertised food products more frequently than those not exposed to such ads. This means that there is a higher chance to eat unhealthy food, such as fastfood. Fast food chains spend more than 3 billion dollars a year on advertising, much of it aimed at children. A 2002 US study showed that fast food commercials during kids programming on Saturday morning are pitching bigger and bigger portions, a trend that researchers link to an the alarming rise of obesity among young people. To directly target children, they offer playgrounds, contests, clubs, games, and free toys and other merchandise related to movies, TV shows and even sports leagues.San Francisco, a little while after, passed the law that the toy the fast food market gives to attract the children should be bought with money because many children buy fast food because they want to have that toy. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in six children and teenagers were obese and the obesity rate from 2003 to 2011, has increased 3 times. Also, according to Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada - says that 1 in 4 Canadian children between 7 and 12 is obese.  To prevent more child obesity, advertisement should be banned. The recent study showed that the banning on junk food advertisement geared towards children could reduce child obesity and the number of overweight children ages 6-11 by 18 percent. Thus, advertising geared toward children should be banned.

population control - debate


According to other developed countries then Korea, many of them came out not successful. For example, it is very wide known that China had this one child policy which let couples only have 1 child to control the population and prevent problems from population. However according to New York times, this plan that was held for 30 years came out unsuccessful. Also according to Economist's recent articles, it said that if one breaks that law, their child are sent to other countries and they are paid 3000$~$5000. As we can see in this, the population control actually brought more problems.


People will have babies illegally. In China, they have one child policy so if they go against law, they have to pay huge fine or the babies are separated from their parents. Many people think this will help reduce population of Chinese, but actually a little bit very slowly (NYT) because many people are finding having babies illegally better. According to a site named pubmed central, ratio of legal abortions to birth increased in the 1980s. People who wants to have a baby will have it from every way possible and if one doesn't want a baby, they won't have a baby even before this policy is made. There are many cases where Chinese goes to another country, has a baby and make them another country's citizen. This kind of situation doesn't decrease the population a lot.

That is invading freedom of choice. Whether to have a baby or not is individual's choice. If they have enough monetary resources, there is high percentage that they will have a baby. Also, they will think about the problems it can be made. But just saying no babies, that is against human right and also invading freedom.

2012년 2월 23일 목요일


The reason why we support that the physical education is required to the students is because it makes them healthy. By doing physical education, students exercise. When exercising, people gain energy, uses bones and muscles more often. Using bone and muscles make people healthy because it gives positive effects to kidney and liver. Also, it prevents big wound during accidents. when we exercise. As a common sense, people knows that weak and unhealthy person is easy to get wounded during accidents, and healthy person are 90% made with physical education, says our P.E teacher. For example, there is a girl in our class and she doesn't like P.E class, do not participate in the exercising and even don't like to move. She is the weakest girl at our class. Breaking both legs is very common every 3months and she has a bleeding nose once a week. Our health teacher once came to our class to tell the importance of physical education

 The reason why we support that the physical education is required to the students is because it help grow teamwork and cooperation. There are sports that we have to do it by themselves but most of the sports are being happened when there are lots of people and they requires teamwork and cooperation. To win, they have to gather their mind on one thing make a plan and conjugate it in the game. It helps win on the sports game too but it also help on other places, and in societies. At business, there are lots of meetings and if there are lots of crashes between other workers, you might be fired or be leveled down from where you were. For example there are statistics that says that the athletes have adjusted more to the societies then others, says 2007's Korean Herald. the physical education can be the way to success. so it should be required to the students.

 The reason why we support that the physical education is required to the students is because it help grow endurance. When we grow endurance, it is good for our health but it also leads to success, and enjoy and have a fulfilling feeling in our mind. For example, why do you go hiking? There are lots of reason such as diet, or to take picture but the most important reason is because of the endurance. The endurance gives positive effects to life. Endurance thought has optimistic thoughts like never giving up, trying again and again.

Books? Movie from book?

"The best seller Harry Potter has just been released on movies." Harry Potter is famous for both movie and the original books. However, they are slightly different. The original book version is better. The movie provides fun, but the books provide more details. Also, books can provide knowledge, while the movie reduces that knowledge to create entertainment for the viewers to watch. Lastly, the book gives unlimited imagination whereas the movie just produces images that blocks the imagination.

Primarily, the books are more important because they have more details than movies while movies provide just details about the character setting or plot. Thus, the readers can get a more specific image. However in the movie, they have only specific scenes with more broader details. For example, in the book, it said that "Sarah had plain green eyes with long eye lashes, and red lips. Also she had long curly blonde hair." However when the movie was made, the actor was a brown haired girl with blue eyes and it didn't provide any in depth details about that character It just show how the story was running. Therefore, because the book provide more careful details than movies, reading the original book is better than watching the movie adaptation.

Second, generally the books provide more knowledge than the movie, lots of parts are removed or replaced with other scenes to provide entertainment. Most of these parts are crucial or significant to the overall knowledge of the book. When watching movie to prevent from someone falling asleep, they take out all the boring parts, which usually are parts that contain knowledge. When I read the "Percy Jackson", there were a lot of stories about Greek/Roman myths and actually I really enjoyed it. It was like a background of the story and it was very important. However, when I watched the movie with anticipation, only the minor parts of the story comes out. Even though it's a myth, it was very educational. Like this example, the movie provides less knowledge than the books, so I believe that it is more necessary to read books.

Last but not least, the movie blocks people's imagination while the book provides unlimited imagination.When reading books, people meet the main characters visit places, everywhere such as ancient Greece or Olympus. However, when watching movies, they make a outline of what have to look like or the place. for example, "Percy Jackson" when reading book, I imagined Annabeth as a pretty girl, but she came out not that pretty so it ruined my imagination of the story. Thus the book is better than the movie version.

With these reasons I believe books are better than movies. The books may feel more uninteresting but once we enter the story, we are in other place, and also have more benfits than movies.

2012년 2월 20일 월요일

school should help new students

The school should help the students because they are the ones who knows most about the curriculum of the school. when one enters the new classroom, with just looking at the timetable, they cannot understand all the curriculum. They don't know agenda, or what time it ends, or etc. It will take hard times to get used to it because one can be used to the agenda from the last school. If the school, they can get courage and also get advices so they can be adapted faster. As a personal experience, when I went to Canada, the school curriculum was very different from school in Korea. It seemed like a high mountain I have to climb over. The school helped me with the problem, so it shortened the time adapting to the new school. Also, I got courage that I can do well at this school. Thus, the school should help the student because the new students doesn't know well about the new school's curriculum.

If the school doesn't help, first the student just faces struggle but later it can lead to social pariah and depression. At MIT researched that transfer students suicide twice as more as the original students. This show that the students moving to new school faces more physical problems. When the school doesn't help, one has no place to rely on to adapt to the new school and new friends. With that, the emotional pain starts. If one doesn't blend in with other students, then they can be a pariah and feel like not part of the school. If the school helps, such as telling the new student what the students are like, or telling the original student what to not say as a manner. Then they can get around well together easier, Also, when the school does not help. the new student can feel like nobody is on her side and feel very depressed. Thus, the school should help the new student because it can lead make emotional pain to that student.

The school should help the new students because the teacher are the most comfortable person to talk about the problem they face at school. Always, when we are being educated they tell that tell the teacher first, then the principle, than the parents. Actually the statistic shows that approximately 62% of the students says that if they have problem in the new school, they will ask the teachers for help. If they tell their mother, they will be worried or it can become bigger problem. If they tell the teacher, the teacher is like a ruler of the classroom, so the they can help more easily considering the situation. This can help the transfer student to be well adapted to the new school. Thus, the school should help because the teacher is the most comfortable person to discuss the problem and ask for help.

2012년 2월 10일 금요일

Since this year I'm turning into middle school, I was very nervous and curious what middle school I would go. In Wednesday, the result came out. I am going to Sewha Middle School for girls. It is a girl school and it is famous for being strict school in out town.

The happy thing is that all of my best friends attend same school, and is in the same class again! Also, there are only girls, not boys who teases me.

However the unhappy thing is that I have to work hard, really hard! Girls tries really hard and it is really hard to be the best! I bought every boooks I need and is studying from now. I think it is going to busy 3 years.

Also, it is so strict
1. I have to go to 8:15 to school. I am very lazy and I love to sleep so this is the worst thing for me.
2. Every students only have to wear uniform, always. However, it is really ugly. Its green uniform with checks. But since everyone wearsi it, I think it is okay.
3. Also, the sisters who is in higher grades are very scary.
4. We can't perm, or do anyting to our hair and clothes.

But if I try hard, I believe I can adapt well to the new school, FIGHTING!!!!!

Formal Debate

Topic: Downloading music and/or movie without permission is an example of theft and is immoral
Role: Prime minister
Side: Government


In the United States of America, unauthorized redistribution, reproduction and adaptation of music is illegal. When people download music illegally, artists and technicians, along with record companies and music stores suffer financial losses. The Recording Industry Association of America and professionals in the music industry, therefore began filing lawsuits against people who download music illegally. They also conduct campaigns to spread awareness about the consequences of downloading music illegally. The unauthorized downloaders of music are subject to lawsuits as well as criminal penalties. The penalties can vary anywhere between $750 to $250,000. The penalties for downloading music illegally, can also be in the form of up to five years of imprisonment. They vary depending on the degree of copyright infringement.

 When downloading music, most of the consumers want to buy free mp3 files and they search for. However, many of them are illegal sites. Also, since nowadays, smart phones are very popular; there are free apps that can download music freely. According to digital times, online newspaper, says that association of producers of phonograms found 12 apps that are illegal downloading app.


Nowadays, most people have mp3 or smart phones for listening music and when the music is out, mp3 files are very popular. Do you know 4shared.com? It’s a free music download site and many consumers actually like it. However, this can be a very big obstacle in music industry.

 Hello ladies and Gentleman, and honorable judge, I am the prime minister and we are here to debate on the motion of this house believes that downloading music and/or movie without permission is an example of theft and is immoral. As the government, we strongly support this motion. Before I layout our arguments on why we support the motion, we would like to define the house as the world (because it is a worldwide issue), without permission as downloading freely instead of downloading with legal steps. Now I would lay out the background of this debate. After the 1990s, copying music became easier than before because of development of mp3 and spread of internet. With only one click of music lovers, the music can be copied. This might’ve been good news to the listener but fatal problem to the singers or artists and whether this can be theft of not became worldwide issue.

Primarily, the artist cannot make any profit and we might not be able to listen to good songs anymore. Do you know how much money it costs when a singer or group of singers make one album. At least 400 thousand dollars, and one of the famous artist Rihanna, according to npr site, used 2million dollar on just one song called man down. That is amazing number. Most albums cost from 5$ to 12$. If the people buy a lot, the artist may earn profit. But! Now the people prefer downloading on the websites, sometimes freely or sometimes with very small amount of money that will not return to the artist. If this continues and people download more and more music, the artist may not make profit and it might lead to bigger problems such as artists retiring or stop their job. Let’s say there is an artist. He is a fullime musician because he loves music. However, many people will download his music, for free and this can mean that music will not help with the income which means that he have to take up a job. So later, his talent and skills will be underdeveloped, and the songs he write will be not like before. This shows that downloading music without permission will lead to fewer good musicians. This is not just bad for the musician but also bad for us because we cannot listen to good music anymore.

2012년 1월 31일 화요일

After GLPS

Today I got my diary back! I left my diary at Ms. Lee's room and I got it today! Anyway, I read all of my diary over. It made me think about the GLPS again, and eventually it made me sad ㅠㅠ

After reading and thinking about GLPS, I realized my life style has gotten better than before. 
1. I wake up early now.
I woke up very late before which about 7:50 and I was always in hurry which was quite bad habit. Also, sometimes I was late to school or I had to break my promise with my friends. Now, after GLPS, I started to wake up at 6:30 and study. Even though I have only went to school for 2 days, I go very early so many of my friends are surprised. 

Before using vanessashin.blogspot.com, I had another blog in naver. However, instead of writings like these, that was where I post my picture and picture of celebrities or songs of them. However, I started blogging on more serious? stuffs and I am proud that I am blogging on matters like that. 

3. Speaking Style
Everyday at history class, I had to present something. Through that, I became competitive and tried hard to change my problem, speaking fast. It was very hard for me to fix that but since I hear how slow other speak everyday and special coach, who are my friends in dorm. 

There are more things such as friendship, study period, diary, etc but I one thing I am sure of is that I am so happy and there are no regrets that I have went to GLPS♡

2012년 1월 26일 목요일

News article about the medicine

Our family read news article from Joongangilbo. Today I was reading one column which was very interesting. It was a Korean article. 

The title was "Greedy personality of pharmacist draws back selling medicine in the supermarket (consisting convenience store)." It grabbed my interest because my grandmother is pharmacist and she talked a lot about that issue when our family visited her house for the new year’s holiday. Also, I didn't felt good because saying greedy is from one person's or some specific group's point of view and it is not appropriate for the title of news article. After finish reading this article, I thought of good and bad aspect of selling medicine in the supermarket. Since I found 1 good aspect and 2 bad aspect of this, I wanted to express my thought.  

First the good aspect is that even though when pharmacy is closed, people, the citizens can afford medicine when needed. According to joonangilbo, Mr. Park (Park Ki Yong), a business man had a cold but he had lots of work to do. So when he visited pharmacies, it was all closed. Only places that were opened was some stores and convenient store. Actually, many of you might've experienced this before. If you feel sick at night, you cannot do anything because pharmacies are closed. 

However, the bad aspect is that children can encounter medicine easily. Many children go to convenience store and if the medicines are in the convenience store, what will happen? They can buy it easily. Since children don’t have any professional knowledge about the medicine, nor does the person working on part-time job, in serious cases, it can lead to drug intoxication. In reality, United States allows the medicine to be sold in super market. As a result, my father says that he saw many news article before about children being involved in drugs and getting serious diseases because they took so many pills that is not needed in the body. For the children’s future, I think this should not happen.

Lastly, how can the pharmacist live? If all the people goes to super market or convenient store, only fly will be welcomed in the pharmacy. Then this can lead to other problems like deleting the subject of medicine in the college. If pharmacist cannot earn lots of money, who would want to study that subject? Also as personal example, my grandmother is, as I said pharmacist. I don’t want her and other people working as a pharmacist losing job.

This is big issue nowadays. I think there are more bad effects in the society than good. Many people says that they cannot afford medicine but I think if they go out during lunch time, or have some medicine like Tylenol before being sick, can prevent this. The government is dealing with problem of ‘job losses’ but if this law passes it might give more problems.

2012년 1월 23일 월요일

Dear Diary - January 24th

Dear Diary,
When I woke up today, earily, I had a really bad sore throat! This sore throat doens't seems to get better! So I drank a cup of tea, which was very sweet and brushed my teeth. To eat brunch, we went to our grandmother's house( this time, my mother's parents). Since all of my relatives came yesterday, it was only our family there. I called my closest cousin, Mary. She said she have to go somewhere today so she can't come. I thought she was going to play since today was a holiday. But! According to my mom and my grandmother, she was going to an academy. Only thing I could say was WOW! After coming from GLPS, the whole holiday was my playtime but she was studying.

This was the episode. Mary is going to become middle school 3rd grader. She always took 1st place in her school whenever there was test so she dreamed of going to KMLA. But her father, my uncle, said KMLA was so expensive and since she had not been to foreign country, her father said to try highschool for science geniuses.

When I heard this, even though I envy her because she is so smart, I think her effort to acheive her dream is really beautiful. She is kind of late for preparing but I belive that she can do it 'cause she tries really hard on everything she does.

Through this, I had made up my mind. In order to go to KMLA I will try really hard, no matter what kind of things face me. If she can do it, why can't I? I'll try really hard to go KMLA, Fighting!

2012년 1월 22일 일요일

New Years day

Tomorrow is the New Years day. The Lunar new year! What do you do in Lunar new years day? Like every other families, I get together with my relatives, have a talk and eat delicious foods. I'm very excitied about meeting them because I haven't seen them for a while. This is year it is January 23 but according to wiki pedia in 2013, it will be on Febuary 10th!

In Korea, the Lunar new year is like a family holiday. The 3 day off is to return home or visit their ancestral grave. Many Koreans wear Korean traditional clothes hanbok. However nowadays, most adults or teenagers don't wear it because it is very uncomfortable to work or play. Nowadays, we don't wear original hanbok but changed ones that had changed so we can move easier. But this year, I am not going to wear one either.

In these days, we eat traditional foods that ancestors used to eat this day. The most common one is Tteokguk. It is basically rice cake in the soup. Actually in the New years day, we have had it for breakfast in GLPS. When we eat tteokguk, we say that we are getting one year older.  The broth consist of protein by using beef, chicken, pork, pheasant, seafood. It is very yummy and if we put dumpling it is even more tasty. We can also make variety of different kinds by using different kind of rice cake.

I wish you Happy New Year!

2012년 1월 21일 토요일

Dear Diary - January 22

Dear diary,

Today is the first day I came from home. But even though I met my mother and father I don't really feel good. I was sick very bad. So yesterday, I couldn't eat meat, even though it was my favorite. My parents were very surprised and got me medicine. I felt like I would throw up but after eating medicine, I felt much better. I got text message from my friends from GLPS and I really wanted to reply but I felt so dizzy so I did it today morning. After sleeping for hours, I felt a bit better. Even though I am sick very badly, I feel relieved because I am sick after the camp. If I am sick during the camp, I cannot get any help from my parents, and also, I cannot attend to classes.
During text messaging with my friend, I found out that she was sick too. My friend Clauida from class 11 said she got high fever and has sore throat. I hope Claudia and I get better soon ~

2012년 1월 20일 금요일

Home, Sweet home...

I am finally back at home after 4 weeks of GLPS. It seemed like if I come back home, it will be more comfortable  but I think I was wrong. 4 weeks may be a long period. Yesterday was the last day and my roommates cried but I didn't. When I found a letter from my friend, who already went home, I started crying. All the memories with roommates, with teachers, PAs, TAs, even the memory of getting scolded passed by my head and I could not stop crying.

Today, I won debate and I could finished my history presentation well. Also, I got the best blogger awards. I want to thank everything to the teachers. Ms. Lee, Ms. Hughey  and Mr. Garrioch. I think I could improve!

I will miss everything in GLPS!

2012년 1월 19일 목요일

2 days till the end

D-2 of going home!
Well.... I feel happy but somehow very sad. I will miss my roommates, classmates, PAs, TAs, and all the teacher that taught me.

In 2 days, there will be many things happening. Final debate and final history presentation. Since I am doing both on Saturday my parents are coming and going to watch it, so I have to prepare it really hard.

I feel very happy because I made many memory here with my friends, and some of the 5th graders. Also, I am happy to learn many things here★ I hope I can come back next camp!

2012년 1월 17일 화요일

Wacky Web tales

A Special Valentine

It's fun to let people know you care about them by making them valentines for Valentine's Day. Follow these instructions to make your own pretty valentine:
  1. To make the valentine, you will need pieces of pink paper and pieces of red paper. You will also need scissors, some chocolates, and a marker or a(n) candy.
  2. Cut the pink paper into the shape of a(n) box.
  3. Cut a smaller box shape from the red paper.
  4. Glue the red paper box onto the center of the pink paper box.
  5. Use the marker or the candy to write a Valentine's Day message to the person. If you don't know what to write, try a phrase such as, “Won't you be my smartValentine?” or “Vanessa thinks you are as cute as Infinite!”
  6. You may wish to add other decorations, such as laptop or other paper shapes. Now you have the perfect pretty valentine to give to someone special!
  7. Be careful when using your scissors, and remember to clean up the area where you have been running.

    CA - Dead Poets society 3

    Chapter 3
    Charlie was reading the newspaper in the normal Sunday noon, drinking coffee. There was this page that was about this genius boy. His name was Neil Overstreet. Neil... Overstreet?! It definitely had some relationship with Dead Poets Society, especially Knox, Knox Overstreet! He appointed the meeting with two of his friend. Fortuantely, Cameron said he has known that newspaper company CEO for long time. With asking the CEO and the reporter, they could find where that genius boy lived. It was actually quite far, near Welton Academy.

    Three of them went there and knocked on the door. A beautiful young lady opened the door. She was very familiar. They thought for a second and shouted all together,

    “Are you Chris?” That woman was very surprised and said

    “Yes sir but who are you? Wait, are you...Knox!” she called Knox, that we all expected.

    Knox came out with his son, which they saw in the newspaper. Chris whispered something in Knox’s ear and Knox recognized them and smiled asking them to come in. Chris and Knox married! The Dead Poets couldn’t thought of that would happen. Since, Chris knows Cameron, Todd and Charlie, she could join in the talk. In Neil Overstreet’s room, Neil was reading poem by Robert Frost. The three dead poets started talking about the plan to Knox, who was smiling with pride. Knox really liked the plan and he said

    “With dead poets honor!”

    It was what Knox said while attending Welton Academy. Including Chris they all smiled since she knows that. There was good news from Knox! He said he still contacts will Meeks and that he lives just one street far! So Steve Meeks came over right away when he heard that his old friends were here! Everyone was here but they can’t go on sailing without a captain. Their biggest task was now facing them: Captain, Mr. Keating. 

    Ode to thanks by Pablo Neruda

    Ode to Thanks by Pablo Neruda

    Thanks to the word
    that says thanks!
    Thanks to thanks,
    that melts
    iron and snow!
    The world is a threatening place
    makes the rounds
    from one pair of lips to another,
    soft as a bright
    and sweet as a petal of sugar,
    filling the mouth with its sound
    or else a mumbled
    Life becomes human again:
    it’s no longer an open window.
    A bit of brightness
    strikes into the forest,
    and we can sing again beneath the leaves.
    Thanks, you’re the medicine we take
    to save us from
    the bite of scorn.
    Your light brightens the altar of harshness.
    Or maybe
    a tapestry
    to far distant peoples.
    fan out
    into the wilds,
    and in the jungle
    of strangers,
    rings out
    while the hustling train
    changes countries,
    sweeping away borders,
    then spasibo
    clinging to pointy
    volcanoes, to fire and freezing cold,
    or danke, yes! and gracias, and
    the world turns into a table:
    a single word has wiped it clean,
    plates and glasses gleam,
    silverware tinkles,
    and the tablecloth is as broad as a plain.
    Thank you, thanks,
    for going out and returning,
    for rising up
    and settling down.
    We know, thanks,
    that you don’t fill every space-
    you’re only a word-
    where your little petal
    the daggers of pride take cover,
    and there’s a penny’s worth of smiles.
    Translated by Ken Krabbenhoft

    Ode that I found during my research. It was very interesting, and when I was reading I could really learn that I should thank everything. This ode made me feel happy and thankful also, it made me smile the whole time. 

    Final debate

    In Saturday or Friday, GLPS students have final debate. We, 1A debates on the motion of 

    THBT globalization improves quality of life. 

    I am in team 3 with Kevin, and Chulmin, who I showed terrible teamwork with. We are the opposition and 
    Kevin is the prime minister
    Chulmin is the deputy leader of opposition
    and lastly I am the whip!

    I hope we could win this debate with class 15! 

    Dear Diary - January 17th

    Dear Diary,

    Today I went to the 11th floor in the first study period to use computer. Since I've started but not finished my assignments for Writing class, I wanted to come yesterday but yesterday was WEEKLY TEST day! So unfortunately I couldn't. Before I go, I went to 6floor and 7th floor for about an hour with my friend, Kim Ji Young. She is in class 9 and her classmates, who is 5th grade lives there. So we went and chatted and played and went to 11th floor together. There, I went to my blog. I confidently, when I was in computer lab changed to Dynamic vie, I thoguth I couldn't access to my blog so when I got in, I quickly changed my design to window view and started to work on my project. First for odes, I couldn't get any idea so I searched in google and found some example and also went into my friend's blogs to get some idea. Then, I thought of the topic, which was something that I was drinking right now, Green tea! From that, for two hours, I revised and added some of the essays to my blog. Viral video, I fixed and added some details.

    It was a very worthy(?) day and I felt like all the heavy stress on my shoulder all flew away. When the time was left, I researched for debate and sent some URLs to my email. I really want to be the BEST BLOGGER!♡

    American kids react toward K-Pop - My thought

    I think that those kids, since they are from United States are too self satisfied with their music and think they are the best. According to the video, the kids say that K-Pop singers are following American pop stars but I believe that they are keeping unique style. I don't really know about American pop songs but I'm sure that the Korean singers have unique voice and dances.

    Also, they say they would listen to these songs if they are translated in to English, maybe. However, I think that is acting greedy because since it's K-Pop, Korean Pop, people should understand even though it is in other language, since we listen to music that is in English, like songs from Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.

    When I watched this video, I kind of agreed that it puts more percentage in how addictive it is rather musicality. K-pop songs are very addictive and we don't like them very easily too when the time passes by. When I searched some blogs in naver, I found many of the comments. Many agreed with what I agreed but most of them were angry when they say that K-Pop singers were copying, following American pop stars singing.

    I think, through watching this video, even though expressing their thought is free, people should at least try to understand other culture and how it works.

    CA - Dead Poets society 2

    Chapter 2
    First, they searched in internet eventhough they thought it wont’ come out. They searched for hours and hours and when they decided to give up, they saw a name and frowned. It said Cameron the most annoying name. The reason why the Dead Poets Society was revealed, the reason why Mr. Keating could never teach them again was because of him, Cameron! To dead poets, he was the most furious creator alive. Worse than Nolan. However, he was still one of the members in Dead Poets Society so they went inside the web site that stated his name. It said his address that he presently lives. They wrote that on the note and decided to have a visit. They decided to meet at Todd’s hospital two days later 3PM.

    November 21,
    It’s the day meeting Cameron. Todd, wearing clothes felt envious feeling in one side but was also nervous to see Cameron. On the other side of town, Charlie was feeling the same thing. When they visited that house, Charlie and Todd felt that house was haunted. It seemed like noone lives there and was cursed. With adventurous mind, they went in carefully. There was Cameron in the room, reading and writing poets, face filled with misery and guilt. When Cameron recognized his old friends, he gasped and cried and screamed in misery. After he relaxed, he started his story.

    “I was afraid what will happen if we get caught. I will get kicked out from not only school but from my house. But after I revealed it, I knew it was not what I really wanted then from that I felt guilty and wanted to probate these problems but I realized that I was too late. Please forgive me, my friends,” cameron said with crying.

    The two friends’ envious feelings started to melt. He was young at that age and they thought that he might’ve been very depressed feelign those guilts for these logn time. They decided to forgive and accept that as just a mistake. After they heard his story, they told Cameron that its okay and about the plan. He said he will participate. So three dead poets found so far!

    CA - Dead Poets society

    At CA class we take every Sunday in GLPS, I was "Reading." At that group, we made book and for the topic, since recently I read "Dead Poets Society," I decided to make up a story that might happen after the book ends. 
    This is what I made ...

    Chapter 1

    Todd Anderson was reading the poem by Walt Whitman, “O captain My Captain.” His faded memory from his high school popped up like it is an event that happened yesterday. He really missed being a free soul, being taught by Mr. Keating. Now, he was a famous dctor that cures patient. After, Mr. Keating was kicked out from the school, Todd had to go to medical school by his father’s order. Also, since they were kicked out of school, he couldn’t meet with his friends, dead poets.

    “Doctor, next patient,” nurse voice broke the silence in Todd’s office and he had to come back from thinking.

    The door knob turned and the patient came in. Todd felt familiar with the patient. When he saw the patient’s profile to see who is it, he was very surprised and laughed crazily. It said Charlie Dalton. Charlie, his old friend, one of the members of Dead Poets Society. At first Charlie was confused but when he saw the doctor’s name written on the desk, they hugged each other, satisfied. They promised to eat dinner that day and Todd invited Charlie to his house.

    Todd wasn’t married. He thought he could love noone because already loves poems. His house was messy with papers that had printed poems in. Some of them were made by him and some of them were written by many famous poets. He cooked simple foods that Charlie could like and when time was left, he took out some pictures from Welton Academy.

    Ding! Dong! The door bell rang and Charlie came. They sat down on the table and at dinner. It took so long to finish dinner because they talked and talked and talked. First of all, what they were most curious about was what they did after they were kicked out of Welton Academy. Charlie told his story and Todd felt really sorry for him. Charlie’s family was very rich but the business went wrong and they collapsed. Charlie sobbed when telling the story because he had so many hardship to regain his honor back. He said he ran away several time but caught everytime and had to go back to study. He felt like being at jail when all the freedom was blocked from him. Now the hardship was gone, since they were together. After that they changed the topic to their memory at Welton. They missed dead poets and Mr. Keating! So that thought of having a meeting again and do what they have done while they were in Dead Poets Society. 

    Reflective essay

    This movie "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring" we watched only the Spring part shown above. In a small island that has only one building and a ship, an apprentice and an old monk lived. They always sailed to land and gathered some herbs. One day, young apprentice went by himself and played some tricks with animals by tying rock on the animal's body. As the punishment, the young apprentice was to tie the rock onto himself, sail to the land and untie the rocks from the animals.

    Through this, I felt very uncomfortable and guilty because when I was in 2nd grade, I stepped on many ants which I thought it was fun at that time. While watching it, I felt that even if it might seem fun to me, it was a serious thing for the ants and nature. They are losing life! If I imagine giant stepping me, my family and my friends, its just terrifying. I think the punishment that the old monk gave was very effective. Since, the young apprentice could see how the victim feel, he wouldn't do that again. Would somebody hit somebody after experiencing who annoying and hurting it is? well, NO! This method is called "An eye for an eye" a method that is basic of Hammurabi laws. Actually in my personal experience, I have stole my friend's candy and threw it in front of her for no reason because I thought he had better taste. As a punishment, my teacher took away my candy and threw it away. After this, I never stole my friend's stuff nor did I threw it. Also, since I could feel what the victim will feel, I tried to think before I speak. But punishment for EOP, I think giving out EOP paper is the best way. EOP paper can help us realize that we have done something wrong and since it is so hard to memorize the student might try not to get another EOP paper.

    I really liked this video even though it was not really a comic. I usually hate slow movies or things that only have pictures in it but it gave me some advice and we could examine stuff. Watching this video, I could think about some punishment, along with what I have done in the past so I really liked this and if I get a chance, I would like to watch the whole movie, not only spring part.

    Wacky Web Tales 4

    The New Kids in School

    This year is sure to be a(n) big year at Seoul Seorae Elementary School . There are several new kids at the school and they are working hard to make new friends. They just moved here from Cartoonville!
    In the first grade, Wonder Woman is the newest addition to the group. She is learning about sitting at a(n) sandwich and about math. In fourth grade, batman is studying tomatoes.
    Both kids are trying hard to fit in. Since Wonder Woman is a cartoon character, she can bend her arm unlike any other kid. This makes her really popular playing starcraft on the playground because she can get out of the way of the other kids very beautifully. batman is also trying to fit in. He had many friends in his cartoon, but they do not live here. He's become popular because all the other kids are asking him what it is like to be a cartoon character, and what superman and spiderman are really like. Both cartoon kids are sure to make this a special year!

    Wacky web tales 3

    All a Dream

    I fell asleep yesterday listening to an old album that my mom had. I really enjoyed it, though I had a weird dream. It was kind of like one of the old songs.
    I've been workin' in Europe,
    All the hillarious day.
    I've been workin' in Europe,
    Just to pass the time away.
    Don't you hear the whistle eating?
    Rise up so early in the morn.
    Don't you hear Louis 14 shouting
    Jessie, ran your horn? ”

    Jessie, won't you ran,
    Jessie, won't you ran,
    Jessie, won't you ran your horn?
    Jessie, won't you ran,
    Jessie, won't you ran,
    Jessie, won't you ran your horn?

    Someone's in the bedroom with Jessie.
    Someone's in the bedroom, I know.
    Someone's in the bedroom with Jessie
    Strumming on the old trumpet.

    It was the weirdest dream I've had in a long time!


    Ode to ipod

    Fun interesting device
    MP3 video game, everything
    The machine that have everything

    Father hates you
    but mother likes you
    my brother is fond of you
    and I love you

    Bad for education
    but good for communication

    It can make the friendship stickier
    but also can ruin the friendship

    Now since you are
    drowned in the
    not water

    I miss you very much♡

    Ode to greentea

    Dear Green Tea,

    First time I tasted you, you were bitter than the juice I used to drink. However, your cover looked so pretty I took one after one sip. Your clothes, often called tea bag was very attractive. Every time I took sip, it tasted better and better and I got addicted to you. When I'm drinking water, I also had you in my hand. 

    However, in 1st grade there was a terrible incident that I shouldn't have done to you. It was drinking hot chocolate. When drinking hot water I always had with you but when my friend's mother gave me  hot chocolate, I thought it was more sweeter and better. From then you were no where in my attention. I bet that you might've got stress and shock from me and I really apologize that.

    When I came here, GLPS, I drank you, green tea just because you were the only left one. First, I groaned because Jetti, the chocolate milk, the colder version of hot chocolate was already sold out. Then when I tasted you, it was like WOW! It tastes wonderful. It was mroe addicting than hot chocolate and now I enjoy drinking you and you are the best drink ever!

    I'm sorry for what I did in past 6 years. I really apologize for that however I hope you can understand that as just acting like a baby and going through puberty. You, with the heart as big as ocean, please understand me and I won't do that again>.< I'll find you when I want to drink something from now. But! I don't want to be too~ addictive so please don't complain if I dont' find you everyday!


    2012년 1월 12일 목요일

    Wacky Web Tales - super salad

    To make best apple salad you need fresh ingredients. The best time to buy a fresh apple is from September to January. Go to the local market, pick up one apple and study it. The apple should be rotten and delicious. These taste the best! Put 5 of them in the shopping cart. You will also need a pound each of carrot and bowls.

    Next you need to get the ingredients for the salad dressing. You might like orange dressing, which taste yummy on apple salad, but you might also enjoy melon dressing. Pick out 8 best foods you can buy. Take you ingredients home, and get ready to make your salad. 

    Wash and dry each apple thoroughly, you use camera to seperate the parts of the apple. put the pieces in large salad bowl. Next, chop the carrots and bowls, and put those in the bowl. To make the dressing, mash the fruit in the another bowl. Add a cup of oil and 9 teaspoons of vinegar. Pour the dressing into the large salad bowl and mix the ingredients. Wow! Enjoy your apple salad.  

    Wacky Web tales - dear diary

    Summer Camp

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Camp is so Fun! The food here is really good, unlike that camp food Edwardtold me about. We get to eat pizzas and chickens every day of the week!
    This week I get to try out all the activities and sports. We are canoeing in coolwater on Lake Fred. We also are learning how to dive off the stupid diving board! I tried archery and I wasn't very good—I hit a(n) flower by mistake. I'll practice and get better, though.

    For Arts and Crafts, I made a clay cell phone, a(n) ipad out of macramé, and a shelf for Mom to put her tubes on. I even learned about whittling. I made a(n) computer out of wood! Can you believe it?

    I especially like all the friends I am meeting. Kids here come from all over the country, from as far away as Kangwon do and Kyungido. I am sorry I have to leave soon. I sure am going to miss all the fun I've had here. Maybe I can go camping in the backyard when I get back and pretend that I'm still at camp. Do you think Spot will want to camp with me?
    Love always,

    2012년 1월 10일 화요일

    Chain Writing (+metafiction)

    Mr. S was marking the essays for essay writing contest from KMLA. He found an interesting paper which the writer had same name with him, Bob. He got interested and started reading the essay with enthusiasm.

    It started like this...

    Many things must be stopped. First of all abbreviation in language must be stopped. Nowadays many people uses abbreviation in language. The most famous are "CU" or"LOL" which is abbreviation of see you and laugh out loud. Since so many people uses abbreviation to most of the things, people are getting confused. Sometimes when I use abbreviation speaking to my mom, she gets confused and doesn't know what I am talking about and keep asking me. Also I think abbreviation is destruction of the language. It is erasing the original meaning that it contained. 

    'The first introduction is quite okay...' Mr. S said and he continued to read.

    Abbreviation made our communication hard to understand and destroying Han-Gul words own features. If we keep using abbreviation maybe here will be no our own words but only strange words will left. Then who will be using these abbreviation? It is mostly by students. Students or young teens wants to make long word shorter to pronounce easier. Also, it looks more nicer if we use abbreviation. For example, elevator in elva or teacher to Ssam. Well it is okay to use it but if we keep using it,it will be bad. 

    I believe that KMLA should be aware of abbreviation mostly because KMLA is "Korean Minjok Leadership Academy" We need to keep Korea's original word. Like such, we have to keep Korea's tradition. To keep it, we should stop EOP because it can damage our love to Korean.(?)

    And all English academies will be perish! All!!!! And we should say "Every people in earth,you have to use Korean!" so every company and school should teach Korean. And they will have Korean Academies.

    "Huh?" He said. " That's kind of off topic!!"

    However there are some positive sides of abbreviation. Some teenagers can make their own world and share their things. Not only for the teenagers, it can be good for the adults in some way. They can save their time writing full words or sentences. 

    Like such, we should find the other way to shorten time and stop the abbreviation. 

    Mr. S finished reading and he gave the score of B. It was not a bad score but it wasn't very good either. He felt that he should mention the student to kind of go into topic.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    Ye Won
    Ji Woo

    -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Through chain writing, I learned that one simple topic can lead to other serious topics and also that one that can be a problem can have positive aspect too.